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Pricing and Features

Start growing for free. Upgrade to unlock more features


    Every month
    +$1,500 Implementation & Integration
    Ideal for startups and small businesses, this plan offers essential features to securely manage data
    Valid for 12 months
    • Immutable data storage for up to 500,000 transactions/month.
    • 1 Database Table with 12 Custom Columns
    • 5 Changes Per Month
  • Popular


    Every month
    +$30,000 Implementation & Integration
    Tailored for large enterprises, this plan provides extensive customization & scaling capabilities.
    Valid for 12 months
    • Immutable data storage for up to 20 mil. transactions/month
    • 20 Database Tables with 30 Custom Columns
    • Unlimited Changes per Month
  • PRO

    Every month
    +$3,000 Implementation & Integration
    Designed for mid-sized businesses, the Pro Plan offers advanced data management capabilities.
    Valid for 12 months
    • Immutable data storage for up to 2 mil. transactions/month
    • 5 Database Tables + 24 Custom Column Each
    • 10 Changes per Month
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